APEX Grappling Series

APEX Grappling Series

The future of grappling is here

APEX Grappling Series
  • APEX Grappling Series 6

    Live from the Lake Charles Event Center in Lake Charles Louisiana!

  • APEX Grappling Series 5

    Forget about traditional rules and cautious approaches; the Apex Grappling Series aims to deliver non-stop action that will keep spectators on the edge of their seats. There will be no room for butt scooting or stalling here, as participants will be encouraged to engage in aggressive and dynamic ...

  • Apex Grappling Series 4

    Apex Grappling Series 4 live from Ft. Worth, Tx

  • APEX Grappling Series 2

    Forget about traditional rules and cautious approaches; the Apex Grappling Series aims to deliver non-stop action that will keep spectators on the edge of their seats. There will be no room for butt scooting or stalling here, as participants will be encouraged to engage in aggressive and dynamic ...

  • APEX Grappling Series 1

    The Inaugural Apex Grappling Series: A Showcase of Intense Jiu-Jitsu Submission-Only Action in Beaumont, Texas